Friday, December 24, 2010

Is it really Christmas again?

This post is a bit of a deviation from the usual craft mum posts of Red Chocolate. But I was thinking about some things and thought I would share them here.

I am one of those reflective types who thinks themselves into tangles, and this Christmas time is no exception.

I am thinking about how Christmas Day seems to hold a magnifying glass up to our lives, making the joyous even more joyful, but also the hardship somehow much harder. I know a few families this Christmas for whom the latter is true and my heart hurts for them.

I am thinking about how ironic it is that Christmas is all about Jesus' birth, and yet as a Christian myself, I find it to be possibly the most distracting time of year to meditate on who Christ is and what he came to do (and to teach my children these things).

I am thinking about how relieved and thankful I am that Jesus came into the world as a man to show us what God is like and to make it possible for us to know God and love Him and be loved by Him.

I am thinking about the words of my Dad's favourite Christmas carol, particularly this verse:

Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings
Ris'n with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

I am thinking about how Jesus is pretty great.

I am thinking that some folk who read this post will agree with me, and others will not. Either way, you may like tell the distractions to take a back seat for a moment and spend some time reading about Jesus this Christmas.

And now I think I will stop thinking and go to bed. We may be up earlier tomorrow than usual (!)

Thanks for reading and commenting throughout 2010 and for writing nice blogs for me to read!

Merry Christmas everyone!


Lizeylou said...

I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and that you get the chance to relax and enjoy it!!! Look forward to reading more of your posts in the New Year x

Sally said...

Hoping you had a very merry merry Christmas Bek. You're right Jesus was a pretty awesome person and it is a pity that people don't relect on his values more at this time of year. I wouldn't describe myself as a Christian at all... but I still think the man has lessons to teach us all. Humility. Gratefulness. Non-judgementalness. Acceptance. Love. ...oh and so much more.

Wishing you and your mob and wonderful 2011 too.