Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Big skirt --> Little skirt

Ah me. I was determined to sew something for Jemima today, whatever else happened. She has suddenly grown and nothing seems to fit her properly anymore. I am resisting doing a clothes shop because I love making her things, but time is so pressed these days with Miss Eve. Today was most frustrating as Eve decided not to sleep again after an hour long nap at about 9am. Now at nearly 6pm she is finally drifting off to sleep in her sling snuggled up to me... but I can't cook dinner with her in there. I'm too worried she will get splattered with a hot something. So Chris is picking up something on his way home. I hate not cooking dinner. It feels like mum fail, but I DID make a skirt which to my mind cancels that out. Take that, mother guilt!

So about the skirt: It is made out of an old skirt of mine that I still really loved, but was too small for me post 3 babies. A super quick little project to do in between settling the grumpy baby and entertaining the 3 year old. I wish I had sewn the pockets further apart, but can't be bothered with the unpicking to rectify that, and I plan to sew buttons to the pockets, but I am not sure that is going to happen!

I have at least 2 other much-loved-but-too-small-skirts that I want to refashion for one of the girls... but right now I think I will calm down by looking at my sleeping baby for a bit.


Gina said...

Fabulous little skirt... who needs dinner anyway?

Megan said...

beautiful! look at that darling little ruffle. good work!

no mother guilt needed, you are doing the right thing - accidentally burning your little one by trying to be a supermum would be way more guilt creating. take away is not going to hurt anyone!

Cindy said...

I think if you can have 3 kids fucntioniing every day that is enough to put out any mothers guilt - you have then one a gret job.
I love the skirt, I struggle with the hand made house vs time issue. Hope you are well.