Sunday, January 20, 2013


1. This little face slays me all day long. And nothing is cuter than her singing "Rock a bye your bear" with the actions. "Sh Sh Sh". Those little lips puckered. Sigh!!

 2. He could pose any way he wanted. (In his "Squatch" tee. That we gave him for his birthday with his "Gone Squatching" cap. Google the TV show "Finding Bigfoot" to discover the catalyst for this interest.)

3. Her cute little white over exposed face. But at $2 a pop for instax film, you just roll with it. She is wearing a little fabric crown I made last night. I may even blog it this week! :-o

Thanks Jodi, Queen of 52 portraits.

1 comment:

Maxabella said...

Instafilm is really cool! I love the presentation of all of these shots. x