I scored Pip's latest craft book recently and I really love it. This is the second thing I have made- a simple zipper pouch. My mum bought Caleb some "mighty beans" because she likes to give the kids lots of presents (Grandma's rule). They needed a home, so rather than thinking about making one (which is what I usually do), I actually did. I used an op shopped zip so it wasn't the right size which made it a bit skew-if, but craft without some wonk, is not my way.
I wanted to embellish and was inspired by an image in the book of crocheted finger puppets. I used an iron on name label inside as these little guys sometimes do the school run.
It's the first zip pouch I have made since starting my sewing career 3 years ago! They are too easy, I don't know what took me so long!